
Visiting the Polish Baltic coast, we invite you to our Miniature Park in Niechorze. We offer a guided tour which will last no longer than 45 minutes. You will visit the entire Polish coast and all lighthouses from Krynica Morskia to Świnoujście. All our miniatures are build in scale 1:10.

  • 72-350 Niechorze, ul. Ludna 16
  • tel. 691 977 977
  • Open daily:
  • 10:00 - 17:00

The Narrow Gauge Railway of Rewal in Miniature

City Hall of Kołobrzeg


In the news section, we will present regularly from now on interesting facts about the individual lighthouses that you can enjoy all in our Miniature Park.

Today we present the Nowy Port Lighthouse - in Gdańsk and in particular the time ball, of which there are only four exist worldwide.

What exactly is a time ball? With the time ball captains could adjust their ship chronometer accurate to the second, which was back then very important for an accurate determination at sea. The ball was drawn up to half height about 5 minutes before 12 o'clock, 2-3 minutes before 12 o'clock all the way up and at 12 o'clock the ball was dropped. The signal was sent via telegraph from the Royal Observatory in Berlin to Gdansk. The Time Ball weighed 70kg and had a diameter of 1.6 m.

Since 1921, the time ball is no longer in use. A radio station started to broadcast from Gdańsk and also transmitted the accurate time. The time ball was removed in 1929 but remounted in 2008. It is now operated as a tourist attraction three times per day in the summer.