
Visiting the Polish Baltic coast, we invite you to our Miniature Park in Niechorze. We offer a guided tour which will last no longer than 45 minutes. You will visit the entire Polish coast and all lighthouses from Krynica Morskia to Świnoujście. All our miniatures are build in scale 1:10.

  • 72-350 Niechorze, ul. Ludna 16
  • tel. 691 977 977
  • Open daily:
  • 10:00 - 17:00

The Narrow Gauge Railway of Rewal in Miniature

City Hall of Kołobrzeg


Today a large group of senior citizens from the township of Rewal visited our Miniature Park. It was part of an campaign which helps older people to stay active and our Miniature Park is perfect for such an occasion.